

Filter by:
Type of Documents:
Type of Documents
Date 31.10.2023
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 29.08.2023
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 21.12.2022
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 31.08.2022
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 16.06.2022
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 15.12.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 28.09.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 28.09.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 07.10.2020
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 23.04.2024
Type of Documents Others
Source Development Bureau
Date 20.02.2024
Type of Documents Others
Source Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Date 31.10.2023
Type of Documents Others
Source Construction Industry Council/ Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Date 01.06.2023
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 17.03.2023
Type of Documents Technical Circulars
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 01.09.2022
Type of Documents Guidelines
Source Architectural Services Department
Date 25.08.2022
Type of Documents Others
Source China Construction Science and Industry Corp. Ltd.
Date 25.08.2022
Type of Documents Others
Source China Construction Science and Industry Corp. Ltd.
Date 26.07.2022
Type of Documents Guidelines
Source Transport Department
Date 14.06.2022
Type of Documents Guidelines
Source Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China
Date 01.05.2022
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 21.04.2022
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 01.12.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 01.12.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 01.12.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 01.10.2021
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 28.09.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 27.08.2021
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 25.08.2021
Type of Documents Others
Source Independent Commission Against Corruption
Date 26.01.2021
Type of Documents Others
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 31.12.2020
Type of Documents Others
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 01.12.2020
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 12.10.2020
Type of Documents Technical Circulars
Source Development Bureau
Date 07.10.2020
Type of Documents Reference Materials
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 30.09.2020
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 22.09.2020
Type of Documents Technical Circulars
Source Development Bureau
Date 01.03.2020
Type of Documents Technical Circulars
Source Development Bureau
Date 01.03.2020
Type of Documents Technical Circulars
Source Development Bureau
Date 01.03.2020
Type of Documents Others
Source Hong Kong Housing Authority
Date 01.11.2019
Type of Documents Guidelines
Source Transport Department
Date 01.10.2019
Type of Documents Guidelines
Source Environmental Protection Department
Date 17.09.2019
Type of Documents Guidelines
Source Construction Industry Council
Date 01.09.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 01.09.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 01.06.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 01.06.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 01.06.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Date 01.05.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Date 19.02.2019
Type of Documents Others
Source Hong Kong Housing Authority
Date 01.02.2019
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Water Supplies Department
Date 01.12.2017
Type of Documents Guidance Notes
Source Buildings Department
Page of 99
Last Updated: 26.04.2024 10:07:02

Adopting MiC to Build Light Public Housing (LPH) to Expedite Housing Supply

The Policy Address 2022 announced the construction of LPH. The LPH Scheme is led by the Architectural Services Department with the adoption of MiC. The Housing Bureau has selected eight sites in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Ma On Shan, Kai Tak, Ngau Tau Kok and Chai Wai, providing around 30,000 LPH units. The construction period takes only one to two years. Each units equipped with self-contained toilet and basic facilities such as water heater and air-con. The first batch of around 2,100 units will be completed in 2024-25 and the remaining units will be completed by phases in 2025-26 and 2026-27, so as to shorten the waiting time of public housing.