The CIC presents commemorative plaques to HKSTP to mark the completion of InnoCell as Hong Kong’s first high-rise building builtwith innovative MiC technology.
Ir LAM Sai-hung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Mr. CHAN Ka-kui, Chairman of the CIC, Mr. Simon WONG, Chief Project Development Officer of HKSTP, and Ir Kenneth MO, Chairperson of Joint Working Group on MiC of the CIC, together officiated the plaque unveiling ceremony which highlights a key milestone for Hong Kong’s
construction industry.
The CIC specially gifted plaques of InnoCell to HKSTP, engineering design consultant Leigh & Orange (L&O), main contractor Hip Hing Engineering Co., Ltd, and component supplier China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd, to commemorate the project team in reaching this milestone, as well as show appreciation for sharing their extensive and innovative construction experience. Their contributions have resulted in this successful pilot demonstration of MiC and paves the way for future projects.

Adopting MiC to Build Light Public Housing (LPH) to Expedite Housing Supply