Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) has become a trend in some countries including Singapore, the UK and US, etc. In Hong Kong, its adoption has grown in the past few years. This International Conference is organised to provide a platform for MiC experts around the world to exchange knowledge on the latest trends and practical experience of MiC adoption.
Other than experience sharing by HKSAR Government representatives and local project teams, we have invited MiC experts from the Mainland China, Japan, Singapore and UK to join this conference to share the latest trends and developments in MiC. We hope this could help to speed up the adoption of MiC in Hong Kong and elsewhere. We also hope that project teams could, through the knowledge and experience sharing in this conference, achieve greater success in upcoming MiC projects.
The conference will be conducted in a hybrid format. Both physical and online participants are welcome.
Date: 29 September 2021
Time: 14:00 - 18:00
Language: English
Format: Hybrid Mode (Physical + Online)
CPD Attendance Certificate: 4 hours (* Participants must stay for at least 80% of the conference full duration to receive the CPD attendance certificate.)
- Ir LAM Sai-hung - Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Development Bureau, HKSARG
- Mr. CHAN Ka-kui - Chairman, Construction Industry Council
- Ir Kenneth MO Kon-fei - Chairperson, MIC Joint Working Group, Construction Industry Council
- Ms. Winnie HO - Director, Architectural Services Department, HKSARG
- Ir Prof. Wei PAN - Executive Director, The Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development, The University of Hong Kong
- Ir K.L. TAM - Director, The University of Hong Kong Estates Office
- Mr. Allan TAN - Managing Director, United Tec Construction
- Mr. ZHANG Yi - Assistant President, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited
- Mr. Peter JIANG - President, Shandong Modular Construction Technology Co., Ltd.
- Mr. Billy TAM - Director, Thomas Chow Architects Limited
- Mr. Wilson CHEUNG - Director, Wilson and Associates Limited
- Mr. NOGI Kei - Representative Director, Eco Resources Investment Japan K.K.
- Mr. Jaimie JOHNSTON, MBE - Board Director, Head of Global Systems, Bryden Wood
- Dr John KEUNG - Emeritus Fellow, BCA Academy, Singapore
- Sr Franki YEUNG - Director (Projects), Hong Kong Housing Society
- Mr. Ben LUI - Executive Director, Operations, Urban Renewal Authority
- Ir WONG Chi-kwong - Vice President, Building Engineering (MEP) Hong Kong, AECOM Asia Company Limited
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